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Aconcagua: Team Moves to High Camp

Hey everybody, it's Billy checking in for the entire crew. We woke up this morning to beautiful blue sky and calm winds and finally the storm broke for us. So we packed up our stuff and left Chopper Camp. We just moved in here at Camp Cholera and looks like this weather is gonna be holding for us through the evening and tomorrow and that makes tonight our summit attempt so will be getting up pretty early in the morning tomorrow and if all goes according to plan, we’ll be standing on top of the Americas, the summit of Aconcagua. We will give you guys a phone call and check in tomorrow at the end of the day and let you know how things went. Wish us luck. Talk later. Ciao. RMI Guide Billy Nugent

RMI Guide Billy Nugent talks about the planned summit attempt for tomorrow.

Comments (1)

Great news on the change in your weather - may you have a beautiful summit!  Best of luck to the team!
Paula & Bill

Posted by: Bill & Paula VanDeventer on

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