Aconcagua: Another Weather Day
Howdy gang, we are up here at Chopper Camp. We are experiencing 30 mph winds, about 30 feet visibility, sometimes less and plenty of blowing snow to boot. We are starting to feel like we're in the middle of an Alaskan storm here. A little bit worse cause we're so close to our objective.
Me and the guides have been jammin’ reggae and blues in the tent to try to channel some southern or tropical vibes and overcome this lousy storm. But the forecast actually calls for the squall to blow itself out tonight and if that's the case we're going, the whole team will head up tomorrow to Cholera Camp tomorrow. And then may take a crack at the summit on Valentine's Day. But right now, Pete says the stoke meter is currently at 1 ½, so please send us your happy, positive, and tropical weather vibes, down here in South America.
We miss you all. Wish us luck.
RMI Guide Billy Nugent
RMI Guide Billy Nugent checks in from 18,000' on Aconcagua
Comments (5)
Wow!! Watching your progress is inspiring. I almost wish I could be there too.
Posted by: mary doyle on
Bulls, Bulls, Bulls, Bears, Bears…
Polish Sausage…
Posted by: Dan on
Ernest’s family and friends really look forward to hearing the details of all your blog entries, Billy! We’re keeping our fingers crossed for the team for better weather and a safe and successful climb! Many hugs from Molly and Sharon
Posted by: Sharon Lew on
Buena suerte y buen tiempo a ti! Tell Pete to “Get on your horse!” Go for it!
Posted by: Bill, Paula & Greta VanDeventer on
Well, think how awesome it will be when your at the top and we’re all back here working!
Posted by: Ian on