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Ecuador: Readying for Cotopaxi Summit Attempt

Hello from the Cotopaxi climbers' hut! We awoke this morning to a crystal clear sky and a beatiful veiw of Cotopaxi from our haciena. After a relaxing breakfast we finalized our packing and drove into Cotopaxi National Park, and up a scenic road towards the climbers' hut. A series of switchbacks and 45 minutes later we arrived at the hut. We spent the bulk of the day hydrating, eating, relaxing, chewing the fat, and getting used to the thin air at 16,000'. We're heading to bed early in preparation for an alpine start and our summit push. The weather looks good right now...keep your fingers crossed for us. Hopefully our next dispatch will be after we summit. We'll try to send some good climbing photos tomorrow also. Hasta entonces... RMI Guide Mike Walter

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