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Aconcagua: RMI Team Moves to Camp 2

The team woke early today to make our move to Camp 2. Just over three hours after leaving Camp 1, the group rolled into our new home under bright sunny skies and a chilly breeze. Everyone was relieved to shed the weight of packs at 18,000 feet. Tents are up and everyone is resting and beginning the process of acclimating anew. Stokemeter Tonight and tomorrow are supposed to be very windy, so we will see in the morning if we are going to do our scheduled carry to Camp 3, or whether we will sit tight. We'll let everyone know tomorrow! Today's stoke meter is resting between 6 and 7. We worked hard, but everyone is excited to be that much closer to our objective. Until tomorrow, The RMI Aconcagua expedition

Comments (5)

Garrett, your new nickname is Captain Stoketacular. FYI.

Posted by: Amy on

Lisa, I am sitting at my computer following your awesome adventure step by step! Girlfriend, you rock!

Posted by: Karen on

GO ERIN GO!!  Look up to the Stars :o)

Posted by: Tami from Oregon on

Living vicariously through you reading about your adventures Erin! Be safe. Sarah

Posted by: Sarah Koenig on

My stoke is a solid 10 reading about your adventure!  Go get it.

Posted by: Jeff Scurlock on

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