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Vinson: Whittaker & Viesturs ready for Antarctic Expedition

The RMI Expedition to Vinson Massif began January 1, 2011 as the team members and guides departed the U.S. in route to Punta Arenas, Chile. The team is led by led by RMI Guides Peter Whittaker, Ed Viesturs, Seth Waterfall and Caroline George. Today they met with staff from Antarctic Logistics & Expeditions for an orientation about life on the ice. The itinerary is for the group to fly to Antarctica tomorrow but it looks like the weather is good and thus the team is readying for a departure as early as this evening (10 pm Chilean time). The big Ilyushin 76 has been loaded with gear, food and supplies. Everything the team will need for their ascent of Vinson Massif. If the weather remains good down on the ice, the team may be in the air in just a few hours!

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Video: Ed Viesturs for First Ascent on Preparing for Vinson Massif

January 1, 2011

Vinson: Checking in from Punta Arenas

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