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Team Reaches Interim Camp on Cho Oyu

Hello everybody back home. This is Casey checking in. Yesterday we spent some time hiking around Cho Oyu Basecamp. Fair amount also doing some training and getting some of our gear ready to move further up the mountain, which we did today. We left early this morning and hiked for several hours to our interim camp at 17,500'. One more day to reach Advanced Basecamp, which we'll be based out of basically for the rest of the expedition. It'll be our home for the next month. Everybody's doing well. We just finished a Nepalese meal prepared by Kumar. Currently we are settling into our tents, which are surrounded by all of the yaks that have carried all of our group gear, food, and supplies for this trip. Everybody's down for the night. Everything is looking good for us. We got our first snow, just a light dusting but it was nice to see it. We'll check in again tomorrow after we reach Advanced Basecamp. Hope you guys are doing well back home,

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