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On Our Way!

Via radio from Camp 2 Some snow in the night but it didn't present much of an obstacle to us. Our entire team was up at 3:00 a.m. and walking at around 4:00. We went through the icefall in good time. Casey's group stayed at Camp 1 as planned. Our half of the team went to Camp 2 arriving just after 10:00 a.m. We are excited to be here again, there is a lot of electricity in the air now. We watched many climbers going to Camp 3 today, and they had to fight through very strong winds. The jet stream is obviously over Mount Everest right now. To our knowledge nobody is at the South Col in position for a summit bid at this moment. It seems as if every team on the mountain is poised for the summit in the next 3 to 4 days. We are still very interested in the path the storm Laila takes, but our forecast has given us encouragement that it is not headed directly towards us. Tomorrow both teams will be at Camp 2 and hope it will be our last rest day of the trip.

Leif Whittaker at Camp 2

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