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At Island Peak Base Camp

Hi, this is Linden calling with a dispatch from Island Peak Base Camp. We left Chukung this morning and walked for several hours up the Imja Khola Valley through big piles of old glacial moraine eventually making our way to the base of Island Peak where our base Camp is set up. It is tucked right between a giant glacial lake and the slopes of Island Peak right above us. After rolling in to camp and getting settled we had a top notch lunch and spent a couple hours in the afternoon finishing up some trainining and getting the team dialed in for the climb. Everyone is showing their experience in the mountains and looking very prepared for the climb. We are moving to High Camp tomorrow with plans to summit the following morning pretty early. The weather has been really nice so far and we are keeping our fingers crossed that it stays that way. We will give you a call tomorrow from High Camp.

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Team Arrives at Basecamp

April 8, 2010

Team Settles in at Basecamp

April 9, 2010

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