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Resting at Lobuche

The team is resting and acclimatizing in Lobuche today. They took an acclimazation hike and are enjoying their last night in the tea house before reaching Everest Basecamp tomorrow afternoon. The RMI Island Peak climbers trekked back down through Lobuche today on their way from Everest Basecamp. They enjoyed afternoon tea with our climbing group before continuing down valley. It was nice to see some familiar faces and chat with them about their time at Everest Basecamp. Mark Tucker and I arrived at Everest Basecamp yesterday to help organize the gear and loads that have been arriving here. We are working on the communication tent so the group will be able to send dispatches and emails once they arrive. Our Sherpa team and Basecamp Staff have been working extremely hard to get our area of Basecamp established and things are looking good and we are ready for the team's arrival. We are looking forward to seeing the RMI Everest Climbing Team arrive at Everest Basecamp tomorrow.

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