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Arrival in Chukung

Hey, this is Linden calling with a dispatch from Chukung. We woke up this morning to an absolutely beautiful morning - one of the best of the trip. We had a pretty relaxed breakfast. After our long day yesterday, it was nice to sit in the sun and enjoy that second cup of coffee. We headed from Pheriche up the Imja Khola Valley and were surrounded by Ama Damblam, Nupste and Lhotse. Just up the valley is Island Peak and we were staring right at it. We checked into our tea house and had a relaxing afternoon. We spent some time parring down our gear for our climb. Tomorrow we are headed to Base Camp and plan to spend some time finishing up the last of our training. We will talk to you tomorrow from Island Peak Base Camp!

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April 7, 2010

Team Arrives at Basecamp

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