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Alpamayo: Elias and Team Rest and Prepare for Summit Attempt

Hello this is the Alpamayo climbing team and the word is we are climbing tonight. It is Wednesday. 3:00 PM local time and we decide to take a rest day today as we arrived yesterday up here. And all is well, we're pretty excited. Tony, Parker, Kenzie, and Pete are really strong, healthy, and ready to go. So we will hopefully keep you updated from the summit tomorrow sometime in the early morning and... yeah. You can probably hear our voice from the top of Alpamayo. We'll initiate soon afterwards our descent and the goal we be to actually make it to base camp but that is yet to be seen. [Broken] Hopefully we'll have good news for you. That's all for now, we're going to go to bed pretty soon here and we'll check in tomorrow. Bye. RMI Guide Elias de Andres Martos

RMI Guide Elias de Andres Martos checks in from high camp on Alpamayo.

Comments (1)

We just got word that you successfully summited! Way to go team. We are in awe of this magical experience.  Can’t wait to celebrate over Face-time with you. Now focus on getting down safely.

Posted by: Rhea Campbell & Alex Lickerman on

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