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Entries from Ecuador

Ecuador Seminar: Grom & Team Tour Quito and the Equator

Hola from Ecuador! After some very long flights and a little bit of sleep the team is doing well. We started our day with a team meeting where we did our usual round of introductions and discussed the game plan for our upcoming adventure. After the meeting we headed out on the town to explore this beautiful historical city with our tour guide Angel. He first took us to the older part of town where we visited several old cathedrals, then to the colonial town square where we met a kind older Canadian who seemed to have lost his group and decided to tag along with us. Next we headed up to a small hill called La Panacia that overlooks this beautiful city before heading north to visit the Equator from which Ecuador gets its name. We finished the day with a small break and then a quick gear check to make sure everyone has all the gear needed for our climbs. Then it was off to dinner at a nice Ecuadorian restaurant where we enjoyed getting to know each other better. RMI Guide Casey Grom, crew, and our new friend Lee
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Brad and Brian:

Hope you have fun.  Be safe. Looks like fun so far!

Posted by: Bobbi on 2/6/2015 at 10:33 am

To my boys…Brian and Brad - have a great time! I’ll be lifting one up for y’all.

Posted by: Johnny on 2/5/2015 at 8:03 am

Ecuador: Grom & Team Summit Cotopaxi

We made it today, despite the cold, wind, and snow! RMI Guide Casey Grom & Team
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Congrats, Yoder and all the team.  Safe travels back to NY!  :) Morse Family

Posted by: Jody on 1/30/2015 at 11:40 am

CONGRATULATIONS TO EACH OF YOU!!!! So very proud of you all.
We LOVE you, Paul!!!!
Xoxo, Beth, Mia & Zoe.

Posted by: Beth on 1/29/2015 at 7:01 pm

Ecuador: Grom & Team Ready for Their Cotpaxi Summit Bid

Hola Amigos! Things are good here in Ecuador and the team is well rested after two nights at the wonderful Chilcabamba Lodge. Everyone is excited for tonight's climb on Cotopaxi. Today we bumped up to another Lodge that is nestled in right below Cotopaxi itself. Normally we stay at the Refugio on the mountain, but it is currently under renovation so we'll be climbing from here. We have done this on the last few climbs and it has worked out well for the past teams and I expect the same for us. Tonight our plan is to have dinner around 4:30 then head right to bed. We'll wake at 10pm and have a sit down breakfast and then hit the road around 11pm. We'll drive our bus to the base of the mountain and start our climb close to midnight. Based on how well everyone did on Cayambe, I'm guessing it's going to take us somewhere around six to eight hours to reach the summit. The weather has been improving each day and we have our fingers crossed it will continue for one more day. We'll check back in tomorrow hopefully with good news. Wish us luck! RMI Guide Casey Grom and crew
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Ecuador: Grom & Team Catch Up on Some R&R at the Chilcabamba Eco Lodge

Rest day at the beautiful Chilcabamba Eco Lodge! Our team enjoyed the opportunity to sleep in and relax, and prepare for Cotopaxi, our next objective for this trip. After a delightful breakfast, we were able to catch a few glimpses of the mountain in the distance and talked about the route. Based on the team's performance on Cayambe, we'll have no problem with this next climb! We spent the day reading books and sharing stories, and wrapped the evening up with a technical skills session. We learned a variety of knots, talked about climbing anchors, and finished with a full-blown crevasse rescue scenario in the lawn. Spirits are high and we are ready to go! Tomorrow we move on to the Tambopaxi Lodge in preparation for our summit bid on Cotopaxi. Until then, RMI Guide Nick Hunt and the Ecuador team
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Yoder, looks like you are having a great time!  Hope you’re taking lots of photos! :)

Posted by: Jody on 1/28/2015 at 11:23 am

Ecuador: Grom & Team 100% on the Cayambe summit!

RMI Guide Casey Grom sent us some photos of their Cayambe summit. 100% of the team reached the top!!! The team is currently on their descent and will celebrate at the Chilcabamba Eco Lodge this evening. Stay tuned to hear from Casey as he recounts their summit day.

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Congratulations All!!! Great weather too. Good luck on the next climb.

Posted by: sesixth on 1/26/2015 at 9:35 pm

Congratulations on another one Baby! Wish I was there with you guys.

Posted by: Sydney on 1/26/2015 at 4:19 pm

Ecuador: Grom & Team Visit the Otavalo Market and Ready for Cayambe

Hola from Ecuador! All is well here on the equator. Saturday we spent a few hour at the massive Otavalo outdoor market where the team practiced their bartering skills with the locals. Buy the number of bags people had in their arms, they must have done a good job. We then headed up to the hut on Cayambe to drop off our gear and add a little to our acclimatization. Normally we like to spend the night at the hut, but due to a hut remodel and new park management, we opted on staying in the town of Cayambe at a wonderful Hacienda call San Luis. Everyone enjoyed the day and the warmth of the fires that were awaiting us in our rooms. Today the team headed back up to the hut and went on a short hike, then returned to the hut for a little training. We have had our dinner and discussed the climb here on Cayambe and everything seems in order. Hopefully the weather will hold and we'll have a good climb tomorrow. That's all for now. We'll check in tomorrow post-climb RMI Guide Casey Grom and crew

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Ecuador: Grom & Team Hike Fuya Fuya

Hello again everyone! Today the team left behind the hustle and bustle of Quito and headed just north of the Equator to the comfortable and quite rural countryside. Once outside the city the landscape quickly turns into rolling farm land with farms pitched on steep slopes and isolated eucalyptus forest. Along the way we stopped by a smaller mountain called Fuya Fuya where we stretched our legs on a acclimatization hike. Normally we like to reach the top of this mountain but cloudy skies and the occasional rain kept us off the steep and slippery upper slopes. We are just on the outskirts of a town call Otavalo, which is known for its massive market and we are relaxing at a wonderful Hacienda called "La Casa Sol". The team is doing great and looking forward to a nice quiet night here. RMI Guide Casey Grom and crew

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Missed the update today. Hope all is going well. Greetings to Michael.

Posted by: sesixth on 1/24/2015 at 10:34 pm

Ecuador: Casey Grom & Team Stretch Their Legs on Rucu Pinchincha

We stretched our legs today with the first acclimatization hike of our Ecuador's Volcanoes program. Despite a slow start due to weather, we were able to successfully summit Rucu Pinchincha, a 15,400' volcano in Quito's backyard. The day started off with a short taxi ride from our hotel to the base of the Teleférico, a gondola that brought the team to just above 13,000'. Upon arriving, we ducked into the upper station to wait out the clouds and moisture that seemed to be hanging in the air. We drank coffee, told stories, and used the time to get to know each other a little bit better. Soon our waiting was rewarded with a break in the rain. Grabbing our packs, we headed out into the clouds. The views were obscured, but at least we remained dry. A three hour hike and a bit of scrambling brought us to the top, where we grabbed a couple of summit shots and prepared for our descent; we didn't stay long because the rain seemed eager to return! Moving as a team, we made it back to the gondola in about half the time it took to go up, but not soon enough to outrun the rain. We had to shoulder our rain jackets for the last leg of our descent; thankfully the team was strong and spirits were high. Now, back at the hotel, we're packing our duffels in preparation of our move out of Quito tomorrow morning. Hasta mañana, RMI Guides Nick Hunt and Casey Grom, and the rest of Team Ecuador
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Ecuador: Casey Grom & Team Meet in Quito

Hello Everyone: All is well here in Ecuador! After some long flights and a little bit of sleep the team is doing well. We started our day with a team meeting where we did our usual round of introductions and discussed the game plan for our upcoming adventure. After the meeting we headed out on the town to explore this beautiful historical city with our tour guide Angel. He took us to the older part of town where we visited many old churches and the president's palace that sit on the old town square. Next we headed to a small hill that overlooks the city before heading north to visit the Equator from which Ecuador gets its name. We finished the day with a small break and then a quick gear check to make sure everyone has all the gear needed for our climbs. We then went to dinner at a nice Ecuadorian restaurant where we were joined by some good friends from back home who were here visiting on their own. RMI Guide Casey Grom and crew
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Keep the photos coming!  You look like a team that will really embrace Ecuador.
Both it’s mountains and it’s people!  Magical!
Regards to Sockie. “Good on ya, mate!”

Posted by: Jeff Peck on 1/25/2015 at 11:12 am

Looks like a fun time - I’m jealous and sorry that I’m not there. Casey is probably glad though! I look forward to seeing the adventure unfold.

Posted by: Happy Dancer on 1/22/2015 at 1:38 pm

Ecuador Seminar: Team Reaches Summit of Cotopaxi!

We are thrilled to report that today's challenging climb of Cotopaxi, elevation 19,348 feet, was a complete success! Things started off a bit shifty when more than twenty climbers and guides all prepared to begin climbing the glacier at the same time. The opening three hours of this climb are extremely steep and without any relief. Our team's strong and steady pace uphill proved their readiness both with skill and acclimatization. Despite some lessening of the slope angle, I would say this mountain takes the cake for difficulty. After an hour or so the crowds spread out and all we had to do was climb. The weather changed two or three times from steady snow fall to cold and windy to picture perfect. We could not have asked for a better day! This was truly ending on a good note. We then packed up at Tambopaxi, ate a great lunch at an amazing road side pizza place and are now rushing for the showers at the Ancient and haunted Hosteria of La Cienega. We need to get some sleep because there is a big day of football ahead when we head back to Quito. GO PACKERS! RMI Guide Adam Knoff

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Congrats to Dusty and the rest of the team from sunny Carbondale! Love, prayers and safe travels to all.

Posted by: Terry Claassen on 1/18/2015 at 9:53 am

Awesome!!!! Way to go team that is truly a lifetime accomplishment!!!  Or is that an accomplishment of a lifetime?

Posted by: Greg Smith on 1/17/2015 at 4:19 pm

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